
Russell Biomass to raise tax ante - The Republican - MassLive.com

Russell Biomass to raise tax ante - The Republican - MassLive.com

Russell Biomass to raise tax ante
The Republican - MassLive.com, MA - Jan 10, 2008
Russell Biomass is asking the state to waive zoning regulations in Russell, Montgomery and Westfield. At the hearings Russell Selectman Ronald J. Merritt ...
Russell Biomass to raise tax ante - The Republican - MassLive.com
Biomass is asking the state to waive zoningregulations in Russell, Montgomery and Westfield. renewable energysince gas is considered a fossil fuel," he said. alenvironmental impact by the Russell Biomass project, whilethe Westfield plant plans generated much less environmentalconcerns. Biomass will emit someparticulate emissions, but both will operate safely withrespect to the public health," Bos said.

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