
Biofuels that can really grow on you — like weeds - Kansas City Star

Biofuels that can really grow on you — like weeds - Kansas City Star

Biofuels that can really grow on you — like weeds
Kansas City Star, MO - 18 hours ago
Preferably, the plant will produce a maximum of biofuel with a minimum of effort. Ideally, it will flourish without fertilizers, be a perennial that ...
Biofuels that can really grow on you — like weeds - Kansas City Star
renewable fuels like ethanol.Preferably, the plant will produce a maximum of biofuel with a minimum of effort. biomass to become a bio-mess.”The danger is crops exploited for their energy potential can turn into weeds of the near future. environmental equivalent of robbing Peter to pay Paul.”Yet the demand for a plant that can fuel your pickup is undeniable in the age of $100-a-barrel oil.Ethanol made from corn is a fine enough stopgap. alternative market for a grain they can grow faster than human or beast can consume it.But corn ethanol is no energy miracle. Energy Group of Florida is labeling the plant — many will say weed — “e-grass” and trying to secure 20,000 acres to grow it on as supply for an electrical power-generating station.

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